Teeth are the pearls of your face. Apart From chewing it maintains your look. You just can’t think yourself without having teeth. But as your life proceeds it is very natural having one or two even more bad tooth. These create a painful condition that you cannot help but sacrifice them one after another.
Problem solved? Maybe or maybe not.
Because in some cases, a new problem occurs you extracted one tooth. The problem has a good name-Dry Socket. Though pulling out your tooth is not a pleasantry experience and the discomfort remains for few more days. But if the pain becomes terrible as the time progress and the condition gets worsen within a few days then you might have affected with an ailment which is called Dry Socket.
Let’s discuss in detail.

What is Dry Socket?
In medical term dry socket is called ‘Alveolar Osteitis’. It is a kind of inflammation on the alveolar bone that you feel after extraction of a tooth.
Generally, this problem occurs if you have to extract the third molar tooth. Only 2%-5% develop this problem after extraction of a tooth. What called socket is a hole in the bone from where the tooth has been removed.
When the tooth is removed a blood clot is formed in the hole to protect bone and nerves there. The blood clot also helps to create the foundation of new bone and also develops fresh soft tissues. But if the clot fails to dissolve then the bone and the nerves are exposed to fluid, foods, and air. This may lead to infection and severe pain for the next 5-6 days.
That calls a dry socket.
Signs and Symptoms
There are some common signs and symptoms that may help you to assure about the dry socket. Let’s find out.
- Severe pain starts in a few days after pulling out of the tooth.
- A complete or partial loss of the clot of blood from the hole.
- The alveolar bone is exposed within the clot less hole or socket.
- Gradually pain affects your eye, ear, neck.
- Tastelessness, bad odor coming out of the mouth.
The Reasons Behind This Problems “how long after extraction can I stop worrying about dry socket”
Since most of the dentists cannot say exactly the cause of dry socket, it has taken as a bacterial infection or surgical injury while extracting the tooth. But there are some habits of people that may lead them to this issue: ” when to stop worrying about dry socket “
Here they are.
Poor Oral Hygiene
Those who don’t have much care about oral condition, never brush teeth regularly, have a certain chance of dry socket due to bacterial infection.
Using Tobacco
Those who’s smoking a cigarette or chewing tobacco (Indian sub-continent) might have the risk of a dry socket for consuming an excessive amount of nicotine regularly. Even it prevents healing for those who are already affected by that.
The Act of Sucking
Those who are smoke or drink through straws may cause the dislodging of the blood clot out of the socket.
Using Oral Birth Control Pills
Regular use of contraceptive with high estrogens hormone level can increase the risk factor and the healing of dry socket may be disrupted.
Gum and Tooth Infection
If you have any previous or present infection around the uprooted tooth then there always remains a thick chance of increasing the risk of dry socket.
History of Dry Socket
If someone previously affected by dry socket he or she may likely to have one again.
After having a basic idea about the dry socket problem, now it is the time to know about the relief or the treatment of this one of the most irritating problems that you ever suffer. But before that, you have to know the preventions that should be taken following the advice of the dentist. This can save you from being affected by the dry socket.
The Prevention
If you have removed one of your teeth then follow these things.
- Always use good oral hygiene daily.
- Avoid drinking from a straw.
- Stop smoking or taking tobacco until the wound has healed.
- Contact immediately a dentist if you notice a problem.
The Treatment
Now let’s come to the point. Let’s find out where the treatment of dry socket lies. Normally there is a clinical treatment, but apart from that, you’ll have a home remedy too so that you can get at least some relief out of that.
The Clinical Treatment
This is a complete case of your dentist. At the beginning, the dentist gives priority to clear the food particles flushing out of the socket. After that, he will place a packing of analgesic medicine to cover the alveolar bone. This certainly helps to get relief from pain.
Sometimes, the ‘dry socket paste’ is used for dressing which is made of eugenol or clove oil and some of the other anti-inflammatory ingredients so that it helps you to get quick pain relief. The whole process should be repeated after a few days to get the best result.
In between the dentist will prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines to reduce further pain.
The Home Remedy
It is not that your dentist is always there to take care of your pain. Therefore, you need to have some better ideas about the home remedies of the dry socket issue. The whole process includes cold compress with the help of ice pack on the face of the affected side for every 15 minutes intervals. You may rinse with salt water to clear the food particles and then take cotton and place a 1-2 drop of clove oil on it and gently apply to the affected area.
But remember this is only for temporary relief, you must visit a dentist as soon as possible to get rid of this issue permanently.
At the end of the discussion, Resistance Pro hope now you have a better idea about the dry socket and the way of treatment so that you can get the necessary healing.
“When Can I Stop Worrying about Dry Socket?” this key question of yours must have got the answer. Maybe dry socket keeps you in a very uncomfortable situation but it will take maximum 7-10 days to get relief if you go for it. Therefore, truly you’ve no need to be worried about dry socket anymore.
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